Yes, Jesus loves me,
And yes, this I know,
But not just because the scriptures have told me so.
It’s the wounds in His hands,
The pierce in His side,
The strength of His heart,
The love in His eyes.
It’s the freedom because He suffered,
The hope in His words,
The strength to move forward,
Regardless of all that occurred.
It’s the touch of His hand
And His spirit that I feel,
It’s His mercy and forgiveness,
It’s the pains that have healed.
It’s not just the scriptures that have
Revealed these to me,
But the things that I feel and the
Things that I see.
The miracles around me
That testify He is living and true,
That let me know He is with me
Wherever I go, whatever I do.
He is my friend and my brother,
And all I wish to be;
There is not a thing one can say or do
That will take that testimony from me.
I love you my dear Savior,
And thank you for loving me.
Stay thou near by and
I can conquer all that is to be.
My Savior, my brother,
My strength, and my friend.
My healer, my hope,
My beginning, my end.
Angel L Trimble 1/27/13